In those days, the first name of the CNC was Xilog. The third generation of these machines is the Xilog Plus CNC. Unfortunately for us, after it first came out, Scum left us no choice but to buy newmachines, and we were forced to lease a second generation CNC. The new machines were the Xilog Plus CNCs.
Download Xilog Plus CNC (1999). Download Xilog Plus CNC (2001). However, I have found your site and I must say it is remarkable. I was able to fix my Navigator-1000 from the end of 2008 using only the information you provided.
It worked great and I have recommended this site to my son in law who owns an Astmiller 20.
So thanks for that...but we need to download an older version of Xilog. Please tell us where to find them.
Xilog 3 or Xilog Plus version 3 of CNC
I'm new to this site, and I've been looking for information on xilog 3. I have a CNC with an old version 3, and I have to say that it is working great.
This is what the user manual says about the version: XILOG 3000/4000-W/P. My friend bought one of these machines in 1989 and we still use it today. The machine makes almost any type of solid
or plastic part that you would want to make. I have a customer that makes kitchen cabinets. The machine makes all the drawer dividers as well as all the drawers and supports. The control panel has been in daily use for over 25 years.
I would like to learn more about this machine. Does anyone know how to upgrade the version 3 control panel to the newer version 5 control panel?
Here's how I understand it: The version 5 control panel was introduced in 1997. Some websites say that it was introduced in 1995. I have a CNC with the version 5 control panel that my friend got in 2002. The CNC is running on Windows 7.
There is a software patch that can convert your older CNC to the version 5 control panel. The software is called DeviceConverter. It costs $80 and is available at Smart Software.
I would like to know if there is any information that I can find on the older control panel. I have found an example on ac619d1d87
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